Online Pain Education Network (“OPEN”) – TDM Foundation Impact 2024

The Pain Foundation is proud to be associated with the TDM Foundation, who, in collaboration with Hearts & Minds Investments over recent years, has made a significant investment in PMRI’s OPEN digital education project.

In TDM Growth Partners’ latest Quarterly, they published TDM 2024 Impact Report, in which they summarise their support for 12 organisations, “an incremental step towards its vision of enabling a social impact ecosystem that works to create a better and fairer Australia”.

TDM Foundation CEO, Roly Clifton-Bligh, explains: “The Pain Management Research Institute’s Open Education Platform, which aims to educate medical practitioners to better treat patient chronic pain, is readying for launch early in 2025.”

Professor Michael Nicholas (below) explains: “OPEN is the only online clinical pain management training program shaped by Australian consumers with lived experience of pain and will enable people living with chronic pain to achieve and maintain meaningful lives.”

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