Kate reports:
“It’s the twentieth anniversary of the start of my journey with CRPS* this Friday. Not sure that twenty years of chronic pain is cause for celebration but being able to live my life inspite of it is!
“I received the Michael Cousins book and I’m totally enthralled! I particularly wanted a copy for a friend of mine who has a niece who’s recently been diagnosed with CRPS. I’m hoping to support her through this tough journey.“
Note: * CRPS – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (common in joints)
July 21, 2021
In 1964 a junior doctor saw two critically burned boys limp into a Sydney hospital begging for help. He saved their lives but struggled to reduce their suffering because few pain treatments existed. That doctor dedicated his life to reducing suffering by improving the treatment of pain.
In a career that spanned 50 years, Dr Michael Cousins led the pain world, and crusaded tirelessly for access to pain management to be viewed as a universal human right. He and his colleagues advanced treatments such as epidural analgesia and spinal cord stimulation that revolutionised pain management.
In 1990, Professor Cousins established the Pain Management Research Institute, a joint initiative of the University of Sydney and the Royal North Shore Hospital. Pain Foundation Ltd, of which Michael is Patron, was established in 1996 as the fund-raising entity to support the research and education work performed by the Institute.
Price: Single First Edition Copy – $37.90 incl P&H within Australia; Multiple copy options are displayed on the ‘Book Now’ page.
To find out more or to help research into understanding pain please contact Shaan at the Pain Foundation on email info@painfoundation.org.au.